pens or pins? that is the question...

What's one to do when the heart and hands enjoy words and fabric, the pattern of paragraphs and quilts to an equal enthusiasm? To solve my dilemma I'm writing the print that stirs me and sharing the journey of blending fabrics into quilts and wearables, the discovery of old--be it quilts or friends, and the pleasures of today. Come...have a visit with me.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

ESSENTIAL, KEYS to the daily...

KEYS to the daily...

The books have set on my bookshelf for weeks. Today, for an unknown reason,, I chose to read the titles of all of the somewhat dusty covers. First, the worn cover of Roget's Thesaurus (sentimentally remembered as a gift from mom), a soft-bound Synonym Finder, next The Brief Holt Handbook and then two that caught my attention. ESSENTIAL English Grammar and KEYS to Great Writing. I could  forever discover new lessons  if I read both daily.. But today my mind is all over the map.  

I deviate from the books intent--writing. My mind thinks of essential and keys as applied to our daily walk. Since childhood the word essential has been in  my vocabulary. Rules like "get enough sleep, eat your peas, say thank-you and respect others"...ESSENTIAL. Next, from early years I observed, studied and tried to learn the KEYS to a good marriage, KEYS to a better job, KEYS to growing old gracefully... 

Some of the essentials, some of the keys seem to stay within, others are a daily struggle. The daily says...Walk for health, Study and meditate, Be kind and pray without ceasing. 

The Seven ESSENTIA...again, as the old country song addresses, "what part of NO" or essential "do we not understand?" Why did the "L" fall off of essential? Perhaps it is because of the daily battle of self- discipline.The self-discipline of life never ends. We always want the second cookie while we struggle with loosing five pounds. 

And my eyes scan more book covers. Words like Walking, the Vein, the Guide, the Faith, Fire... even a book beginning with If You Want To... fill my writing book shelf. Each and every cover deals with motivation to push down the road; to be more than we are, with the help of Essential and Key.

I'm glad I found Essential and Key today. They are useful vocabulary to help me, and may I hope, to all in achieving dreams and  goals. Look back at the New Years resolutions we stated only eight weeks ago. Loose weight? Exercise daily? Write a book? Or a chapter? Visit and love someone, anyone, everyone? Meditate and focus on scripture. Plant a garden. Make $$ in free-lancing? Learn to stitch, paint or knit? Finish or start a quilt? Clean the closet? Pretty unending isn't it? 

But, you know what? If it is ESSENTIAL or KEY, we can do it. We can even do it this afternoon.

til later,


God's scripture:  ALWAYS give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. I Corinthians 15:58

Writing Skills: Keys to Great Writing by Stephen Wilbers
Take time to empower your writing skills with Wilber's tips to develop and strengthen your signature.