pens or pins? that is the question...

What's one to do when the heart and hands enjoy words and fabric, the pattern of paragraphs and quilts to an equal enthusiasm? To solve my dilemma I'm writing the print that stirs me and sharing the journey of blending fabrics into quilts and wearables, the discovery of old--be it quilts or friends, and the pleasures of today. Come...have a visit with me.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Thursday Twigs

Getting back in routine after a few days of travel, I decided the morning walk must start the day.  A windy mist blew against my face as I walked out the door. And then, as I looked down, I noticed an unusual number of "twigs" --everywhere. I picked up a handful and began looking at the character of each little stick. Crooked, straight, short, long, dark and light, they intrigued me. Each one reminded me of life's daily bonuses--the unexpected treasures.Then, to my amazement, upon the return of my walk, almost as many were on the walk again! Multiples--can't wait to see what waits ahead!

So far, this week has been full of twigs (bonuses)--fun twigs. Invitations to two geographically related guilds gave me perfect opportunity to study and share two of my favorite stories. I visited Waco and the Homespun Quilter's Guild, followed by Temple's guild, the Wildflower Quilt Guild. Thank you ladies, I had a great time!

We talked about Texas women and the role the quilt played in the settlement of the unsettled frontier. Looking back to 100+ years the quilt story of three layers of cloth, often beautifully designed and always functional and lovingly sewn literally wrapped it's settlers in comfort and security. Each hardship and danger was softened by the woman's working hands and the tenacity she showed as she helped refine this great state. What women they were! And best of all, they often passed on the talents of their hands. The second story I shared touched the liberation of the traditional quilt into the short lived fad of the crazy quilt. It was a true coming out party for women in the late 1800's. For the first time, a woman's creativity served no functional purpose, except to share her skill in sewing freely and beautifully. Guided with threads, dates and memories, each quilt hosted ribbons and silks, most often to tell a family story. And again, each quilt, each story ...always a bonus.

For me, an added bonus of going to the city is the opportunity to shop. I actually found myself giddy as I shared a fabulous purse line ( ) via phone with my sister. Details of embellishment overflowed on each artistic version. I was awe struck.  Added fun was a computer store, a hobby shop and fun, even in an office supply. Maybe I need to get away more!

And speaking of country living...I must introduce you to our neighborhood cow, Fred. He is a costume eccentric ,--today he's celebrating a birthday. I'll share him as often as he finds new garb. I anxiously look forward to the next holiday; he's always a bonus--you'll soon agree.

Just call me "Fred"

And now the bonus at the end of the day, phone calls with friends, a happy day, chocolate and God's blessings --a merry good night. THINK BONUS tomorrow...see what you can fine.  And if you need a bonus--

A great read: The book of Ruth, Old Testament

A favorite quote: One's friends are that part of the human race with which one can be human. George Santayana

til then,


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